November 3, 2017, posted by Gina with special thoughts from Michelle – Happy Friday! We had tons of Trick-or-Treaters at our house decked out in some great costumes. It made our Halloween so much fun. The very next evening we attended a Christmas Gala. It is crazy how fast things move from Fall inspired decorating and activities to holiday splendor. We love Thanksgiving and, in fact, it may be our favorite holiday. Even with this, we feel it is a good thing to at least begin planning for Christmas, so we will be sharing some ideas and projects and recipes in the next few weeks.

| H A L L O W E E N |
Every year my neighborhood passes out these “Boo’d” signs. After you put the sign in a prominent window or door in front of your house you follow a set of instructions. You are instructed to prepare two goody bags/pumpkins filled with treats and other fun items like cocktail napkins, spider rings, pumpkin pencils, etc. Once those are done, you make two copies of each of the Boo’d signs and instruction sheets which you place inside your goodie bag. You then sneak these to two neighbor’s homes in the dark of the night. It spreads like wildfire and is such a fun game for everyone to enjoy.
| L I N E N A D D I C T |

With the holidays on our heels, I decided it was way past time for me to clean out my table linen closet. As you can see from this photo I may be addicted to napkins. While these piles covered my whole island, there were many more that are not shown here. What can I say, I love entertaining and I need a lot of napkins. I can quit any time I want.
| C O M E & G E T I T C O O K B O O K by R E E D R U M M O N D |

The Pioneer Woman’s (aka Ree Drummond) new cookbook is here. It is called Come & Get It and is sure to be as helpful and inspiring as her prior cookbooks. In true Ree form, each recipe has easy to follow, step by step photos of how to prepare each recipe. I just purchased my copy, so I’ll let you know how I like it. If you have already tried some recipes, please share them with us.
| D A R L I N G D O L L S |

I have been working on a design project for a little girl’s room and ran across Cuddle & Kind. These precious, hand knit dolls are so cute and no doubt very soft and cuddly. Part of the proceeds from the sale of these dolls goes to help children in need. How great is that? I have had such a great time working on a little girl’s room. I usually work on the main areas of a home but this time I have the opportunity to step outside of my normal box.
| I have no idea why Gina thought it would be a good idea to taunt the person who is in total control of this website. I guess first born children aren’t good at thinking things through to their logical conclusion. 🙄|

I could not resist this. I am sure Michelle is not happy with me but still it makes me laugh. I am the oldest and she is the second born. Look out! I am sure she will get me back. It’s a sister thing.
Enjoy your weekend! Set your clocks one hour back on Saturday night and enjoy that extra hour of sleep.