Fun Stuff on Fridays 2 comments

April 28, 2017, posted by Gina – Friday, at last! We’re ready for a little fun, how about you?

A few months ago, I found Clorox bleach in crystal form and fell in love with it. One cap full and you don’t have to worry about it spilling or splashing on anything. Fast forward to today when I discovered I was out of my cherished crystals. It seems they are a hit because the shelf in the grocery store where they reside was empty. Disillusioned, I was about to grab, the big, heavy liquid bleach when these bleach packs caught my eye. I mean how cool are these? You just throw one in with your white clothes. I hope these excite you as much as me.


If you read our post a few weeks ago about shopping cart etiquette then you will understand why I had to laugh today. So, the shopping cart in the foreground was of course in the parking spot I wanted. Yep, the first one after the handicapped parking. Notice that it is directly across from… guess what??? The cart corral! I mean, who does this? I parked a few spaced down and took this cart into the store with me. I promise I will not talk about this subject again but I just could not help myself. But, on the positive side, hooray for that man putting his cart back where it belongs!

Fun stuff shopping carts


Today, as I was running errands I found myself behind this truck. I had a lot on my mind with more errands to do than time to do them but somehow this truck caught my attention. First, it is an odd-looking truck. I wonder what it is used for? I pondered this for a minute and then realized I needed to get back on my game. But then I saw the sign posted on the back and I was curious. I could not get the “stay back over 200 feet” out of my mind. Just exactly how far away is 200 feet? I think you would need to be Superman to read that sign if you were over 200 feet away. So, I am assuming they carry something on this truck that has previously damaged someone’s car and this sign must somehow keep them from being responsible. The whole thing was just weird.

Fun stuff stay back 200 feet
Next week I am hosting a Garden Party Luncheon for my cookbook club. We will be dining outside unless I have the misfortune of a rainy day. So far, the prediction is sunny and 79. I don’t think I could order a better day. While I am trying to decide on just how to set my table, this place setting keeps making me happy. Stay tuned to see the whole tablescape and all the photos and recipes from the day. It’s going to be lots of fun.

Fun stuff place setting

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2 thoughts on “Fun Stuff on Fridays

  • Brenda

    Re: “Get Clean”—have you tried Persil laundry soap? Little known here (very popular in England) but Kroger has it. Flat cleans and leaves a great scent!

    I look forward to seeing the garden party photos. I have been trying to plan my May 18 luncheon for my little garden club and may steal some ideas from you!

    • Anonymous

      I plan on looking for Persil next Kroger trip….thank you so much for the tip! I’ll be posting garden party photos soon. Stay tuned!